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P1 controls: Arrows, X, Z / P2 controls: ESDF, Tab, Q

StarShard ScavengersDownloadShare

April 30, 2024

A game made for WASM-4 Jam #2

Fly a spaceship around, shoot asteroids, collect StarShards, and play with friends over NETPLAY.


This game contains visual effects, including flashing colors at varying frequencies, which may trigger seizures or other adverse reactions in individuals with photosensitive epilepsy. If you or anyone in your household has a history of epilepsy or seizures, please be cautious while playing. It is recommended to play in a well-lit room and to take regular breaks. Stop playing and seek medical attention if you experience symptoms such as: dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitching, involuntary movements, loss of awareness, or convulsions. By proceeding to play this game, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks associated with its visual effects.


  • Using a gamepad is strongly recommended
  • Flight:
    • Pitch / Yaw - Arrows
    • Speed / Roll - X + Arrows
  • Weapons:
    • Laser - Z
    • Mine - X + Z
  • WASM-4 Menu - Enter

How To Play

  • To win you must collect more StarShard than the opposing team. When an asteroid is damaged (shot with laser, or crashed into by a ship or another asteroid) it may drop a StarShard. Moving near it will store it in your ship. When you get near your teams space station, it will transfer and count towards your score.
  • You can practice the game by starting it single player, but to really play the game you will need a friend or three to join you over WASM-4's NETPLAY. Press "Enter" then select "COPY NETPLAY URL" and send your friend(s) the link.
  • The game can be played on lower power devices if the starting asteroid count is set low enough, if the game is lagging try turning down "# Asteroids."
  • Mines can be purchased when near your base. You can place a mine behind your ship (good for if you are being pursued). The mine will activate once there are no ships in its damage radius. If anyone gets too close it will explode everything near it.
  • Your ship will heal when near your team's space station, the shield heals fast, the rest of your ship much slower.



License: CC BY-NC-SA