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Hello World

Let's take a look at an example of a basic program: Drawing a rectangle.

import * as w4 from "./wasm4";
export function update (): void {    w4.rect(10, 10, 32, 32);}

Sometimes we may need to initialize a few things before starting our game. On these occasions, a start() function can be used, which will be called only once, which is when the game is started.

The first line imports the WASM-4 API definitions. This is a stub source file included with all projects that describes which functions are available.

One of those functions is rect(), which we use to draw a 32x32 rectangle at position (10, 10).

We place this in a callback function called update() which is marked for export to WebAssembly (exact syntax varies by language). The WASM-4 runtime calls the update() callback every frame, at 60 frames per second.

Accessing Memory#

Memory in WebAssembly is a contiguous, linear block that can be randomly accessed. WASM-4 reserves a region of that memory to map its state registers.

One of those registers is DRAW_COLORS at address $14. Its value affects the color of all drawing functions. Let's draw a different color rectangle by setting DRAW_COLORS to 2 (the second color in the palette).

store<u16>(w4.DRAW_COLORS, 2);
w4.rect(10, 10, 32, 32);


Use trace() to output a message to the console, which can be very useful for quick debugging.

w4.trace("Hello world!");

Press F8 to toggle the WASM-4 developer tools, which displays system state, memory usage, and more.