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Bundle to HTML#

When you're ready to distribute your game, you can bundle it into a standalone HTML file with w4 bundle:

w4 bundle cart.wasm --title "My Game" --html my-game.html

The bundled HTML contains no external dependencies, works offline, and can be easily shared on sites like

For saving disks, the localStorage key used will be based on the game title you supply. Alternatively, you can specify a localStorage key prefix manually with --html-disk-prefix <prefix>. This is useful to prevent disk conflicts between games.

You can customize the generated HTML file by giving a Mustache template file with option --html-template <file>. Example of a template file:

<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head>  <meta charset="utf-8">  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">  {{#html.metadata}}  <meta name="{{name}}" content="{{content}}">  {{/html.metadata}}  {{#html.description}}  <meta name="description" content="{{html.description}}">  {{/html.description}}  {{#html.iconUrl}}  <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{html.iconUrl}}">  {{/html.iconUrl}}  {{#html.diskPrefix}}  <script id="wasm4-disk-prefix" type="text/plain">{{{html.diskPrefix}}}</script>  {{/html.diskPrefix}}  <title>{{html.title}}</title>  <style>{{{html.wasm4Css}}}</style></head><body>  <script id="wasm4-cart-json" type="application/json">{{{html.wasmCartJson}}}</script>  <script>{{{html.wasm4js}}}</script>  <wasm4-app></wasm4-app></body></html>

Bundle to Windows/Mac/Linux executable#

Native executables for multiple platforms can also be bundled:

w4 bundle cart.wasm --title "My Game" \    --windows my-game-windows.exe \    --mac my-game-mac \    --linux my-game-linux

This creates tiny (~200 KB) executables that run natively, no web browser required! The disk file (in case your game uses them) will be saved as <game>.disk in the same directory as your game.

Publish on

Send a PR on Github to feature your game on the site!

  1. Fork the wasm4 repository.
  2. Choose an unused ID that will be used for your game URL. For example, my-game will be playable at
  3. In the /site/static/carts directory, add 3 new files:
    • my-game.wasm: The cart file.
    • my-game.png: A 160x160 screenshot. You can take a screenshot by pressing F9 in the emulator.
    • Your game's manual, contains metadata and other info for your players.

The manual is a Markdown document that should be in this format:

---author: (Your name or username)github: (Your github username, used to show a profile pic)date: (When the cart was last updated, in YYYY-MM-DD format)---
# (Your game's title)
Additional info can go here. It will be displayed on your game's page.

Now just commit your changes and open a pull request! As soon as it's merged, your game will appear on the site.


Carts on are protected under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. As the license holder, you can also release your cart elsewhere under a different license, such as open source on GitHub.