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Functions Reference

All function parameters are 32 bit integers unless otherwise noted.


Go uses Go-Idiomatic names (PascalCase). Like Blit instead of blit and DiskW instead of diskw.


All drawing functions are affected by the DRAW_COLORS register.

blit (spritePtr, x, y, width, height, flags)#

Copies pixels to the framebuffer.

  • spritePtr: Pointer to raw pixel data stored in either 1BPP or 2BPP format.
  • x: X position in the destination framebuffer.
  • y: Y position in the destination framebuffer.
  • width: Width of the sprite.
  • height: Height of the sprite.
  • flags: Flags that modify behavior:
Flag bitsNameDescription
0BLIT_2BPPSprite pixel format: 2BPP if set, otherwise 1BPP
1BLIT_FLIP_XFlip sprite horizontally
2BLIT_FLIP_YFlip sprite vertically
3BLIT_ROTATERotate sprite anti-clockwise 90 degrees

A 1BPP sprite uses 1 bit for each pixel and can contain 2 colors. A 2BPP sprite uses 2 bits per pixel and can contain 4 colors.

Rotation is applied after any flipping.

blitSub (spritePtr, x, y, width, height, srcX, srcY, stride, flags)#

Copies a subregion within a larger sprite atlas to the framebuffer. Same as blit, but with 3 additional parameters.

  • srcX: Source X position of the sprite region.
  • srcY: Source Y position of the sprite region.
  • stride: Total width of the overall sprite atlas. This is typically larger than width.

For info on other parameters, see blit().

line (x1, y1, x2, y2)#

Draws a line between two points.

DRAW_COLORS color 1 is used as the line color.

hline(x, y, len)#

Draws a horizontal line between (x, y) and (x + len - 1, y).

DRAW_COLORS color 1 is used as the line color.

vline(x, y, len)#

Draws a vertical line between (x, y) and (x, y + len - 1).

DRAW_COLORS color 1 is used as the line color.

oval (x, y, width, height)#

Draws an oval (or circle).

DRAW_COLORS color 1 is used as the fill color, DRAW_COLORS color 2 is used as the outline color.

rect (x, y, width, height)#

Draws a rectangle.

DRAW_COLORS color 1 is used as the fill color, DRAW_COLORS color 2 is used as the outline color.

text (str, x, y)#

Draws text using the built-in system font. The string may contain new-line (\n) characters.

The font is 8x8 pixels per character.

DRAW_COLORS color 1 is used as the text color, DRAW_COLORS color 2 is used as the background color.

String Encoding

By default, str is expected to be a \0 terminated ASCII string. This means bytes 0x80-0xFF are treated as individual characters, even in programming languages where strings are normally UTF-8 encoded. No terminating \0 is needed in those languages. In languages where all strings are UTF-16, str must only contain characters up to U+00FF and no \0 is needed.

The text drawing functions in WASM-4's internals and bindings are called textUtf8 and textUtf16 for UTF-8 and UTF-16 respectively, but these names are misnomers and don't actually use UTF-8 or UTF-16 encodings. If you encounter these functions, instead treat them according to the explanation above.


tone (frequency, duration, volume, flags)#

Plays a sound tone.

  • frequency: Wave frequency in hertz.
  • duration: Duration of the tone in frames (1/60th of a second), up to 255 frames.
  • volume: Volume of the sustain and attack durations, between 0 and 100.
  • flags: Flags that modify behavior:
Flag bitsDescription
0 - 1Channel (0-3): 0 = Pulse1, 1 = Pulse2, 2 = Triangle, 3 = Noise
2 - 3Mode (0-3): For pulse channels, the pulse wave duty cycle. 0 = 1/8, 1 = 1/4, 2 = 1/2, 3 = 3/4
4 - 5Pan (0-2): 0 = Center, 1 = Left, 2 = Right
6Use Note Mode for frequencies: See below.

The high bits of frequency can optionally describe a pitch slide effect:

Frequency bitsDescription
0 - 15Start frequency (0-65535)
16 - 31End frequency (0-65535)

If the end frequency is non-zero, then the frequency is ramped linearly over the total duration of the tone.

If Note Mode is enabled, both the Start and End frequency values are instead interpreted as notes with pitch bend rather than frequencies:

Frequency bitsDescription
0 - 7Note (0-255): Note number according to the MIDI specification, e.g. 60 = C4, 69 = A4 (440 Hz)
8 - 15Note bend (0-255): Bend note upwards. 0 = Nothing, 255 = One 256th away from the next note above

The high bits of duration can optionally describe an ADSR volume envelope:

Duration bitsDescription
0 - 7Sustain time (0-255)
8 - 15Release time (0-255)
16 - 23Decay time (0-255)
24 - 31Attack time (0-255)

The envelope starts at zero volume, then raises to the peak volume over the attack time, lowers to the sustain volume during the decay time, remains at the sustain volume during the sustain time, and finally fades to zero volume during the release time.

The high bits of volume can optionally describe the peak volume used for the attack durations:

Volume bitsDescription
0 - 7Volume used for the sustain duration.
8 - 15Peak volume reached by the attack duration. Defaults to 100 if zero.


Games can persist up to 1024 bytes of data.

diskr (destPtr, size)#

Reads up to size bytes from persistent storage into the pointer destPtr.

Returns the number of bytes read, which may be less than size.

diskw (srcPtr, size)#

Writes up to size bytes from the pointer srcPtr into persistent storage.

Any previously saved data on the disk is replaced.

Returns the number of bytes written, which may be less than size.


Callback functions are called by WASM-4 and may be implemented by your game.

start ()#

Called at the start of the game, before the first update.

update ()#

Called every frame, about 60 times per second.


trace (str)#

Prints a message to the debug console.

String Encoding

By default, str is expected to be a \0 terminated ASCII string. In programming languages with UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoded string literals, that encoding is used instead and no \0 is needed.

tracef (fmt, stackPtr)#

C/C++ only, works like printf. Only these formatting characters are supported:

  • %c: Character
  • %d: Decimal
  • %f: Float
  • %s: String
  • %x: Hex