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Handling User Input


The main input device is the gamepad, consisting of 4 directions and 2 action buttons. On computers, players use the arrow keys and the X and Z keys. On mobile, a virtual gamepad overlay is displayed that players can tap.

The gamepad state is stored by WASM-4 as one byte in memory, with each button stored as a single bit. For example, the right directional button is stored in bit 5. We can mask the gamepad with the BUTTON_RIGHT constant to check if the right button is pressed.

if GAMEPAD1 & BUTTON_RIGHT != 0{    trace("Right button is down!");}
Gamepad BitButton
0BUTTON_1 (1)
1BUTTON_2 (2)

Checking if a button was pressed this frame#

GAMEPAD1 stores the current state of the gamepad. It's common to want to know if a button was just pressed this frame. Another way of putting it: if a button was not down last frame but is down this frame.

This can be handled by storing the previous gamepad state, and then bitwise XORing (^) it with the current gamepad state. This leaves us with a byte with only the buttons that were pressed this frame.

const PREVIOUS_GAMEPAD: &u8 = 0xF700;
pub extern fn update(){    // Only the buttons that were pressed down this frame.    var pressed_this_frame = GAMEPAD & (GAMEPAD ^ PREVIOUS_GAMEPAD);    PREVIOUS_GAMEPAD = GAMEPAD;
    if pressed_this_frame & BUTTON_RIGHT != 0    {        trace("Right button was just pressed!");    }}


Mouse (or touchscreen) input is supported and will work for positions even outside of the game window on supported platforms. See the Memory Map reference for more details on MOUSE_X, MOUSE_Y, and MOUSE_BUTTONS.

On the example below, we can make a rectangle follow the mouse position and expand when clicked:

pub extern update(){    if MOUSE & MOUSE_LEFT != 0    {        DRAW_COLORS = 4;        rect(MOUSE_X as i32 - 8, MOUSE_Y as i32 - 8, 16, 16);    }    else    {        DRAW_COLORS = 2;        rect(MOUSE_X as i32 - 4, MOUSE_Y as i32 - 4, 8, 8);    }}